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This blog is about our adventure of a lifetime in the Tundra of western Alaska. We hope you enjoy your visit!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

The smelt finally ran!

The smelt finally ran on Friday, although while we were at work so we missed the beginning.  I had worked out a deal with a friend, that I'd just buy a little bit from her for my Grandpa, but she ended up going in a different direction on the river so I thought I was out of luck.  But then on Saturday, a friend of ours asked us if we wanted to go fishing; he happened to have a net, so we jumped on the chance.  We got two 5-gallon buckets in less than 45 minutes. (Jeff says I have to include that it's in large part to his part of the dipping because he filled one of the buckets halfway in only two dips)

 Look at him go!
 Half of our catch

 Then the barge came through so I thought I'd get a few pictures.  I don't think I've ever been at the river when the barge went any way on the river!

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