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This blog is about our adventure of a lifetime in the Tundra of western Alaska. We hope you enjoy your visit!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


This weekend, Jeff and I went to the Eskimo historical museum to learn more about the people.  This statue is a picture of the Alaska Territorial Guard (ATG) or Eskimo Scouts as they were sometimes called, which was a military reserve component of the US Army.  It was organized in 1942 in response to attacks on American soil in Hawaii and occupation of parts of Alaska during World War II.  The ATG was comprised of men and women ranging in age from 80 years old to as young as 12 from a number of Eskimo villages in the state.

As the plaque states, “The were, and are, true heroes whose self-sacrifice and deeds should never be forgotten!”

Jeff is holding two of the pieces used by Eskimos during their dances. (They said we could touch them!)

 A mask decoration hanging on the wall.
 A headdress made with beads and real fur.
 A headdress made only with glass beads.
 These baskets were completely woven with cedar and then painted for the decorations.
The mask at the top is of the Raven, one of the animals that are symbolistic to the Eskimos.
The parka was actually made and worn by Eskimos years ago. The parks is made of seal intestines and is completely waterproof.

A wool jacket/dress worn by Eskimos.  If we could get these at a store, I totally would because it looks really comfortable and warm!

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